

It's Tamo Time! I'm a Virginia Native & proud Navy Brat. Taco Bell & sarcasm are my love languages. I have two Red Hot Chili Peppers tattoos. Team...Full Bio


The Instagram Comment My Husband Didn't Like & Why I Don't Blame Him

Let me just say that Matt is pretty even keel. He knows I'm on the radio & comments from male listeners come with the territory. That said, there's certain things you should never write on ANYONE'S pictures

"WOW. Tamo's got some titties."

Like, seriously dude?!

Out of respect for myself and to set the precedent that it's NOT OKAY, I've deleted the comment. And maybe you think that's totally okay to write, so I'm doing this blog post to let you know that it's not. That goes for ANY WOMAN'S pictures!

Also, I just want to point out that I totally have a sense of humor...

The "Nice Avocados" comment made me laugh. Good pun. So obvious. Mad I didn't think of it myself.

MY POINT: There's a difference between being funny and being disrespectful. Just don't be a dick, k?

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