Kanye West Called Out for Dressing in 'Hate Slogan'

Kanye West is known for speaking his mind and not holding back which is why fans and supporters were not so much surprised as they were disappointed to see Ye rocking a 'White Lives Matter' shirt at his YZYS9 fashion show.

Kanye doubled-down on his beliefs and took to Instagram and posted,




White Lives Matter is a slogan neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups adopted in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Kanye is known to have varying thoughts on racism, but just this past February he renamed Black History Month to Black Future Month, "America is made to enslave us, what they ever gave us?” he proclaims rap-style in a video. “We’d improve. We didn’t show, it’s documented, now it’s cemented, lack future it’s time to invent it. If Ye said it, you know that he meant it. There’s no more Black History Month, every February reminding us that we just barely can vote.” He continued, “If we wanna talk about Black history? Who wrote that history for us? They beat down ideas that will keep you enslaved mentally, they target you, they put you in that box to control your mind and to make you fearful,” he said. “I just don’t have no fear left in me so all I got is love. I’ve been waiting for us to take the power in our own hand. I’ve been waiting for us to control our narrative.”

Celebs and fans alike took to social media to express their disgust with his t-shirt design and some even resurfacing former allegations against the Black Lives Matter founder who allegedly stole $10 million from the organization:

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