Kim Kardashian heard a new request to lobby for a prisoner’s freedom: Inmate number #66910-050, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.
His Jersey Shore buddy, Vinny Guadagnino, believes The Situation deserves to be a free man. Sorrentino is serving eight months at New York’s Otisville Federal Correctional Institution. He surrendered last week to authorities for tax evasion on $9 million income.
Vinny Guadagnino talked directly to Kim Kardashian through TMZ, (quote) “Kim, he’s an amazing person. To me, Mike is completely reformed. He’s a great member of society. He preaches to kids that have addictions. He’d be better off out here helping people.”
Earlier, TMZ reported that Kim’s received thousands of letters from inmates seeking her help. President Donald Trump listens to Kim and has released people unjustly imprisoned.