Owner of abandoned red SUV in Myrtle Beach explains WHAT HAPPENED

See what happen was....

The owner of the Jeep came forward saying he had loaned the car to his cousin, who rides a motorcycle, according to WMBF-TV. The cousin decided to drive on the beach and take pictures of the sunrise before the storm, but the vehicle got stuck.

“He avoided me for a good hour or two because he didn’t know what to say and then police actually came to the house," said the Jeep's owner to WMBF. "And they said, ‘Hey we found your Jeep on the beach.’ Then I called him and spoke to him and he told me exactly what happened. It’s probably going to end up being totaled. I didn’t want it totaled... the Jeep is an awesome Jeep."

CLICK HERE for the full story. But just incase you didn't see the bagpipe player video that went viral here that is too.

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