If you WALK or BIKE ride ANYWHERE in Virginia Beach then READ THIS!

If you're like me and love the outdoor walking and biking then YOU need to speak up. I live on Shore Drive and the sidewalks are...not so consistent. Bike lanes are non existent outside of the Cape Henry trail. YET, Lime scooters are out everywhere and those aren't allowed on sidewalks or trails because they are motorized. Soooo they go on the street with the cars? Seems a tad odd....BUT....The City of VaBeach is trying to fix things. And like most things like this people need to speak up (outside of complaining on twitter). The City is asking us to take a survey. CLICK HERE to learn about it and what there plans are.

Here is the goal from their website:

The current Bikeways and Trails Plan was adopted in 2011. The new 2020 plan has five draft goals. They were developed based on stakeholder meetings and interviews conducted in 2017. Before finalizing these goals for the 2020 Plan, we would like to hear from you. Please let us know if you agree or disagree with these goals as priorities for walking and bicycling in Virginia Beach.

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