Are you into the Silicone wedding ring thing?

Have you jumped on the Silicone wedding ring train? I'm about to. Celebrating a anniversary this weekend and my wife and I aren't big jewelry wearing people. We go through phases of wearing our wedding rings. They are great memories of how we started our relationship. BROKE AF!!! We value those rings and they stand for love more than 3 months salary or any other magical formula people come up with. ANYWAY, needed a good day to day. Put going to the gym and having a 7 yr old in the mix...and you get why having a cheaper and safer ring is needed. In case you don't know about silicone rings here are a few of the perks: Affordable under $50, safe for anytime of work, doesn't conduct heat or electricity and fashion friendly.

CLICK HERE for more info and watch the video below on a comparison review of some silicone rings.

AND.....CLICK HERE for a simple home guide on how to know your wedding ring size!

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