See It: Dr. Phil Takes on the Jussie Smollett "Attack"

How do you know for sure that you're done? When Dr. Phil McGraw gets on the case. Let’s just say that Jussie Smollett has reached that point. On yesterday’s edition of Dr. Phil, the topic was “Controversy over Hate Crime Hoaxes.” 

Dr. Phil spoke to journalists and media personalities – including TMZ’s Harvey Levin – to try to understand how often hate crimes actually occur and what would make someone lie about them. He even had a woman on to explain her motivations for doing something like that, and a man who’s turned his life around after going to prison for committing hate crimes.

For the record, it seems like Dr. Phil is pretty fed up about it. But when it came to conversation about Smollett specifically, Dr. Phil said some of the words are typically “lie behaviors.” Like what? "Usually when someone says, 'I swear to God'," he offered. "The very next thing they say is a lie." In the case of Jussie, reports say that when he apologized to his castmates about the drama surrounding him, he noted: "I swear to God, I did not do this."

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