Police Rescue Bride From Flooded Car On Wedding Day

Storms brought flooding to New Jersey over the weekend and that old saying about rain on your wedding day being good luck rang true for a bride and groom in Bogota Saturday. After saying “I do,” the newlyweds were stranded in their car when water submerged it on a city street.

Luckily, Bogota Police sprang into action when they got the call. Officer Michael Laferrera stood on top of a police vehicle with water up to the headlights, then he held his hand out while the new bride climbed out through the sunroof and grabbed on. She clutched her gown in her other hand as Laferrera helped her across to the department’s vehicle which is better equipped for dangerous terrain.

Bogota Sergeant Geoffrey Cole says her dress and shoes managed to stay pretty dry, all things considered. “We definitely get people stuck often, but it was her wedding day, so it was a dynamic situation,” Cole explains. “Nobody was worse for the wear, besides the vehicle.”

Source: NorthJersey.com

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