Woman In Viral Overdose Photo Celebrates 3 Years of Sobriety With Her Son

You probably remember the viral photo of a woman who overdosed in the front seat of her car in Indiana while her 10-month-old son was in the backseat.

Well, that was 25-year-old Erika Hurt - and she says that moment in 2016 was when she hit "rock bottom."

She was on probation at the time, and was sentenced to 6 months in rehab. It was on her second day there that she saw the photo of herself that the police department had posted.

Erika is now 28, and celebrating 3 years of sobriety.

"That was ultimately my turning point, when I decided truly want to be sober and be in my son's life," she said. "I definitely have [the photo] imprinted in my mind. I use it to remind myself that that's where my addiction is going to take me if I do relapse."

She decided to have a photoshoot with her son Parker to celebrate how far she's come, and how great their bond is now.

(Her sign in the photo below says "Narcan saved my life"; Narcan is a nasal spray that can help reverse an opioid overdose, and is what first responders used to revive her)

(via ABC News)

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