Acts of Kindness: BreatheEZ

The Danny Show AOK (Act of Kindness) for December will spotlight BreateEZ. 

MOViN 107-7 are asking YOU to help save a life by becoming an Organ Donor

BreatheEZ misson:  to Educate, Encourage and Empower the community as to the importance of being an organ Donor. Click here for more info. 

About becoming an Organ Donor:

  • Hundreds of Virginians have organ transplants each year and receive a second chance at life. Approximately two citizens in the Commonwealth die every week waiting for the gift of an organ that does not come.
  • One tissue donor can enhance the lives of more than 75 people.
  • There are currently more than 115,000 people in the U.S. waiting for organ transplants. Each year, approximately 8,000 people die waiting for an organ transplant that would have given them a second chance at life. Additionally, each year hundreds of thousands of people benefit from donated tissue that is used for life-saving and reconstructive purposes, and corneas that restore sight. 

Click here to become an Organ Donor

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