A Love Letter to My Wife

Dear Kayla,

Six years ago you said “yes”. That day six years ago we were laying on the bed in my dorm room and I was rambling. Rambling like a maniac that had no idea what she was saying. I turned to you and started talking about how back in the day people use to say “go steady”. I then nervously asked you if you wanted to go steady. You said “yes”.

I still remember our first date. I was extremely nervous, yet excited. Excited to meet the girl I had been talking to for the past month. I worse the nicest outfit I could think of, dark jeans and a button down shirt. I even did my hair, well kinda.  I pulled up to your house and before I could even ring the doorbell you came outside and took my breath away. I handed you the sunflowers I bought earlier because I knew you had a bad day. I didn’t know that night would be the night that changed my life.

Four years ago you said “yes” again. I got down on one knee and presented the ring I was hiding in my car. We were both exhausted that night after driving to the middle of nowhere Maryland and having the worst dinner experience ever. We got back to our apartment after midnight that night, it was decorated thanks to friends. I got down on one knee, told you that I loved you and wanted to be with you forever. You said “yes”.

This past year has been a rough one, probably our roughest yet. No one ever said that love was easy. I think we both know that it isn’t easy. We know that love takes dedication and hard work. But no matter what we work it out, we work through it. We make sure that the other is ok, that we know that we have each other’s back.

So, thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for lifting me up when I'm down. Thank you for believing in my dream when I wanted to give up. Thank you for making me feel loved. Thank you for being absolutely effin amazing.

I love you Kayla. I’ve loved the past six years that I’ve spent with you. And I know that before we know it our six years will turn into 60.



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