Justin Bieber Tattoos His Whole Torso

Justin Bieber shocked fans over the weekend when he revealed that he got a new, huge tattoo that completely covers his torso.

Tattoo artist Bang Bang designed the piece, which features two angels, as well as a demon, a skeleton and a serpent. Bang Bang says it’s a, “tattoo describing his spirituality. The animals he has, his spirit animals as well as the angels, his guardians. I was trying to make it super meaningful and not scattered." 

Apparently Justin wanted the tattoo because he wasn’t thrilled with the eagle tat he already had in the area. "He said he has a mustache on his belly, referring to the eagle, and it just needed more around it so it wasn't so isolated and floating in the middle of his stomach," Bang Bang explains. "I don't know why he thought it looked like a mustache. Maybe one of his friends told him that."

The tattoo took three days to complete, and apparently that won’t be the end of the singer’s ink. "I'm coming back soon," he said. "I did the bottom half of his front but still need to do the top."

As you can imagine, Justin’s fans had quite a strong reaction to the tattoo. Check out the ink here and to the right, and check out fan reaction below.

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